Update 2

1 min readJan 11, 2021

10 January 2021

I’ve started trying to take a page of notes in Italian per day, and it’s been working so far, except for Thursday. This means I end up going over multiple concepts per day. Yesterday, for example, I took notes over the Futuro Semplice (Simple Future) as well as the Preposizioni Articolate. Some days I even practice as part of the page. Even though I’m taking notes on multiple topics per day, I take time to review those notes as well, and I practice the concepts on other days. Today, for example, I’m using my knowledge of past, present, and future to take five sentences and put them into the three tenses.

What I’ve also started doing is engaging in two types of study: latent and focused (I don’t know what to call them, but I think these words suffice). In latent study, for example, I’ll watch a video about some grammar concept just while I’m eating breakfast or something, or watch a video in Italian to see how much I comprehend, looking up any confusing words after. I have a podcast channel on my phone called Coffee Break Italian that consists of 20-some minute long podcasts that I can listen to while doing laundry or something. In focused studying, however, I’ll watch a video or read a paragraph and actually take notes over it. A YouTube account I follow has videos on grammar concepts with sample exercises for practice at the end.




Hi! I'm Nihar, and I like to learn languages. My account on here is to document my journey, plus to have a place to write!